Slowly Walking through burning babylon, The mighty walls Slaughtered for my own glory Soldiers raiding open temples. I am the conqueror, emperor and king, hand of destiny, Will of the gods, famine everywhere Fire, death and screams. Corpses laying on the roads, throughout the city With the marble bodies of their fallen gods. My glorious army, that cannot loose, will bring my name On any road, in any house Where there is still gold to steal. Oh great king Master of justice The rebel city Has finally been freed. Their blasphemed lord Hides in the desert, Tonight you'll have His head on a pike for you. Burns babylon For the greed of a man Burns babylon For the sins of a man Beautiful girls in chains, And so much gold! Burns the city, On a pyre of wine. Their noble beauty Sold for a copper coin. Burns the city, On a pyre of wine. Walking through burning babylon I see my glory In every drop of blood that marks Its roads of stone. Walking through burning babylon Exultant soldiers hail my name Hundreds of desperate lives in chains, And too many eyes on me.