Martin Sexton


Martin Sexton

Does Satan wear a suit and tie 
Or does he work at the Dairy Queen 
Does he listen to rock and roll 
Does he feed the mean 
Singing Hallelujah 
What about Jesus 
Didn't he do it too? 
Hang out with prostitutes 
And have a drink or two. 
Power of example 
My mama said it and I heard 
She says one ounce of action 
Beats a ton of words. 
Singing Hallelujah. 
Mama said there would be angels 
Mama said there would be sun 
Is the devil in Elvis to go where no white man went 
Or hiding in Hugh Hefner's body or maybe even Larry Flynt. 
Say, hows about the President shielding all them stones 
Man if I could find a shield like that I'd run 'round naked 
in my glass home. 
Sippin' Hallelujah 
I think my angel's gone to Vegas 
Sippin' Hallelujah 
Holding aces in her hand. Hallelujah 
As she's singing rock of ages. Hallelujah 
On the table at the Sands. Hallelujah 
Does Satan wear a suit and tie or 
Does he work at the Dairy Queen. 
Does he listen to rock and roll 
Does he feed the mean 
Streak in all of us. 
All us saints here on earth 
Hypnotized and over-advertised 
'Til we're numb at birth 
Singing Hallelujah 
And my angel's turning pages 
Singing Hallelujah 
And she just don't understand. Hallelujah 
That the devil's hot on her trail. Hallelujah 
On the road to broken promised land. Hallelujah 
On the TV and the radio. Hallelujah 
Good and evil look the same to you