Martin Grech


Martin Grech

The father to his son
Says you have to be weak to be strong
You have to be scared to be brave
You have to know fear to be saved

The son to his father
Says I'm too scared to be a man
I'm too dumb to be a fool
Father help me understand
And he says

War war war
War against your soul
Dig dig dig
Dig your coffin's hole
Everyone must face their demons
And now the turn is yours

Father what's it all about
Am I too in to get out
Am I too guilty to be free
Are the whole world sinners or just me

Son you've got the whole thing wrong
The road is neither short nor long
The answer's neither white nor black
And it weighs heavy on your back

Go go go
Go until you're old
Run run run
Run to catch your soul
Every man must learn to love his demon
Your demon's name is yours

War war war
War against your soul
Dig dig dig
Dig your coffin's hole
Everyone must face their demons
And now the turn is yours