Below Yet So Above Below the world of men Progenitors Atlantean As we of Aldebaran Frigid return to Poseidon Supercilious zenith of the line of Abaris Portals through firmament And one in itself A fixity unimagined Hypogeal ascent Bearers of effulgent power Dormant in we their torpid kin Parallels in the unfoldings Of dominant civilizations Corollary both confirms and adjusts mankind's hierarchy As eyes pierce time to see what could be The art of destruction in its highest form Annulling both alpha and omega Unleash might as of yet known as dreams Silence millenniums' prattle Phosphorescent Soaring Contiguity comes as dawn to undue somnolence That below is closer to above leaves but deference Oh, how demarcations burn away Below the world of men Progenitors Atlantean As we of Aldebaran Hyberborean Bathed in the black sun's light