Marshmallow Coast

So & So's With Emeralds

Marshmallow Coast

The light that played upon your face
Was soft and changing
I wandered to the zone you called mine
In an instant
Where, on my own from the world
Where all your thoughts unfurled
I wandered through the zone you called mine

What I found there were pictures
Floating by
Of so & so's with emeralds
In the sky, oh

Time was making ticking sounds
I asked a passerby
If he knew what day it was
And he answered: "Late one night,"


Time was making ticking sounds
I looked up to work outside
A single thought engulfed me
When I found you late one night

But you're just a shadow
Of pictures floating by
So & so's with emeralds
In the sky

You're just a shadow
Of pictures floating by
So & so's with emeralds
In the sky