Marques Houston

How You Just Gonna?

Marques Houston

How u just gonna? 

Im not tryin 2 get so emotional. But ur body moves so incredible. Is it posible that we might travel on this road. i might be the one that u've been lookin for.

how u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat? how u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat?
just a little bit (u shake it) just a little bit (cant take it) the way u've freaking it so damn rong baby. how u just gonna? 

girl its gettin hard. its so beautiful. I got plans for you its so sexual. its unstoppable. u aint got to wait no more. cause baby I got wat ur waiting for. 

How u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat? How u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat?
Just a little bit (u shake it) just a little bit (cant take it) the way u've freaking it so damn rong baby. how u just gonna? 

how u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat? how u just gonna do it like dat drop it like dat work it like dat?
just a little bit (u shake it) just a little bit (cant take it) the way u've freaking it so damn rong baby. how u just gonna? 

how u gonna work dat thing like dat? how u just gonna drop that thing like dat? (girl) 

just like dat. just like dat. just like dat.