Three chinese women on bikes at the traffic lights Waiting for green A guy with the cutest jacket you ever did see Leans toward me all conspiracy He says they're showing photographs of a child from the blast And whose it was was not made known Fingers, thumbs and toes Sensory overload All rebounds like God I loved you Don't you know me Oh the horror he says as the lights remain red I used to ride the cutest bike you never did see Freedom he says Freedom In winter speeding carelessly escaping with bruises It's past and gone except that I'm left Fingers, thumbs and toes Sensory overload All rebounds like God I loved you Don't you know me Then he shows me his leg It was broken Such a long time ago Oh it was so long ago They said can you feel the pain He says can you see I say we only see what we want to feel We all have our own pain to deal with Fingers, thumbs and toes Sensory overload All rebounds like God I loved you Don't you know me My two friends they said don't be dismayed at him He doesn't understand women