Mark McCoy

You Only

Mark McCoy

Tom: G

Verse 1: 
D       Am 
Lord to whom shall I go 
C            D 
You have the words of life 
D        Am 
And we believe that You are 
    C           D 
The Holy One of God 
  D   Am           C        C D 
  You only are the way, You only 
  D   Am           C        C  D 
  You only are the life everlasting 
  D   Am           C          C D 
  You only are the truth, You only 
  D   Am           C        C  D 
  You only are the life everlasting  

Verse 2: 
Jesus You are the Christ 
The Son of the Living God 
And we will worship You 
Now and forevermore 
Verse 3: 
You are the bread of life 
Given for the world 
If anyone eats of His bread 
He shall live forever