Mark Mathis

A Light Has Come

Mark Mathis

i could of never entered the court of a king - so you came to me
you woke my heart from the fields of the lonely - yeah, you terrified me

Glory to God in the highest
Peace on earth - goodwill to me
upon those living in the land of the shadows
a light has come

Born of a virgin so pure and so simple
you entered this earth
You came to save us - to live with - to love us
and one day to take us home

No more living in darkness
I have seen a great light
Upon those living in the land of the shadows
a light has come

It was you
you saved me from my darkness
you did not make a spectacle in the streets
but you took my shame upon yourself
made a way for me by your blood
my bruised reed you did not break
my smoldering wick you did not put ou