Have you ever walked down the street and seen someone you like To me that happens all the time Have you ever walked down the street and got into a fight To me it happens all the time And have you ever walked down the street and been right down on your luck To me it happens all the time And have you ever walked down the street and been knocked down by a truck To me that happened just one time That's why they call me Chuck the truck When I crossed the road I was out of luck That's why they call me Chuck the truck When they bury my body they can write on my gravestone Here lies Chuck he was out of luck Have you ever walked down the street with a shotgun to your head To me it happens all the time And have you ever walked down the street and found out you were dead To me that happened just one time That's why they call me Chuck the duck When the shotgun fired I was out of luck That's why they call me Chuck the duck When they bury my body they can write on my gravestone Here lies Chuck he was out of luck Have you ever walked down the street and wished you stayed in bed To me that happens all the time And have you ever walked down the street with a piano on your head To me that happened just one time That's why they call me Chuck no luck When they bury my body they can write on my gravestone Here lies Chuck he was out of luck