Mark Albert

How Can We Thank Him For What He Has Done

Mark Albert

Tom: E

Key of E, CAPO 4 
F C G C F C 
   C            G 
He gave us our feet 
And He made us to walk 
He gave us our tongue 
        F         C 
And He made us to talk 
        C                 F 
On Calvary He gave up His son 
Oh how can we can thank Him 
     G          C    F    C 
For what He has done  
As we travel down this rode of life 
We see many things that causes us to wonder 
Now in the beginning 
God created the Heaven and the Earth 
And darkness was on the face of day 
But God said let there be light and there was light 
And later on this Earth 
Man that He had created became so wicked 
That He sent His only son 
To save that which was lost 
They scorned Him and they mocked Him 
Because they didn't know what they were doing 
And so on top of Calvary mountain 
Nailed to the cross 
He lifted his eyes toward heaven and said 
Father I have completed the work 
That Thou hath sent me to do 