Never Be Marius: So unhappy but i decided to lie It was too much for my mothers pride Cause you were so young so blind to see I'm drifting away... like a boat on the sea Drowning your sorrow in a glass of Champagne Cause only i was the one to blame For all the mistakes she has done in the past I miss that so much... growing old too fast Chours: I will always be torn by memories of my childhood dream For always she will regret the mother she could have been You will never again be there for me when i turn 18 If we could see... we'll never be a family.. Walked out of my life when i was 6 years old My father was nothing but distant cold? As fast as the day goes from rise till dawn He walked out the door ..never came home Nothing has changed as the time has gone by (gone by) I'm still a mistake in my father's life (my father's life x2) Years ago when the cuts? have been played He reached out to me (reached out to me) But it was too late... Chours: I will always be torn by memories of my childhood dream For always she will regret the mother she could have been You will never again be there for me when i turn 18 If we could see... we'll never be a family. Cabron: .suntem nascuti, crescuti in spirit latin avem frati si surori, sangele e rosu ca-n vin suntem unu pt toti, toti pt unu, dinte pt dinte tine minte fiindca te minte cine iti zice ca nu suntem fara accente...? fara zambet pervers fara..??? familia ma ajuta sa scap de stres si ma transform in caine chiar maine am sange latin si fratii mei sunt mandrii de mine si ma sustin acasa-i cald intotdeauna nu-i minciuna, nu-i gluma nu-i duma ,cand ne-ntilnim si suntem impreuna Marius: ..ïf we could see ..we'll never be Chorus: x2