
To Make Men


Darkness to cover up
This accident of flesh and skin
Darkness, black as her torn hair against his fist
And the fibers underneath her fingernails
Will tell us tales of the malconstructed legacies
That shaped this tragedy

From the darkness of early days
Comes blueprints and designs
For the darkness within each man
To harden and to hide
And to purge all signs of weakness
To make men out of the boys
To remove the perceived difference
Between girls and our toys

So break away
They want you to be like them
One of them

Darkness to cloud your mind
And make you forget
To react as you are told
You won't obey like them

You won't obey like them

And the enemies inside you
Posing as your nature
Trying to become you

So break away
They want you to be like them
One of them
So break away
They want you to be like them
One of them