Lift me Over the soil Into the clouds of blood Where we are timeless Hidden from life Burning with death Naked against the sky I've been praying countless nights For something to be true For flesh to outshine the tired sun And make these nerves explode And her lips rip me away To where the lights kill the gods And I am drenched in her skin And swept away For her wings bring the storm Red is the sky under her feathers For her wings bring the storm We are the fall and the horizon burns Far over the earth Poisoned with lust Far over the earth Screaming in her arms Soaring Far from this world Reason devours itself In our hunger Hidden from life Burning with death Naked against the sky For her wings bring the storm Red is the sky under her feathers For her wings bring the storm We are the fall and the horizon burns Far over the earth Poisoned with lust Far over the earth Prey in her claws