Marilyn Manson

Inauguration Of The Mechanical Christ

Marilyn Manson

Tabbed By : Jono
e-mail: *

Tuning: Standard (E, A, D, G)

| >  let ring                        This is the version of this song I
| /  slide up                        developed by listening to Twiggy play
| \  slide down                      it live on "The Last Tour on Earth" CD.
| h  hammer-on                       It sounds more accurate than any tab 
| p  pull-off                        I've seen of it. It's very simple but
| ~  vibrato                         fun to play. Let each note ring out 
| +  harmonic                        almost completely before moving onto 
| x  Mute note                       the next one. Play the measure 5x.


D|----------------| After the fifth time playing the measure, Manson comes in
A|----------------| "This isn't me, I'm not mechanical..." He says this three
E|-0>--3>--2>--0>-| times I think.