Rescue me and my precious cargo We have short time to be wed White knights, with silver shadoes Have placed thoughts in my head The King and I, In a mystery series Much ado-about Sheldons romance-sweet novella Passion crying out Thoughts of you go to my head You turn me on-Ooo you so heavy You turn me on-Oooo you so heavy Consider me, and my love ahoy Sugarcoat me in your path I'll surrender, I need a little sympathy When there's noone you can trash Call me I'm your pacifier When you need some company Sister can't fly ith one wing So just give her what she needs You make me feel like drifting Through my golden years Thoughts of you go to my head You turn me on-Ooo you do heave You tailor-make me And I'm dressed in secret fears Thoughts of you go to my head You turn me on-Oooooo you so heavy-heavy-heavy