last year nearly all my friends got married this year those remaining followed suit well, Ive learned to feign rapture over what the photos capture while secretly envying the wedding present loot and though Ive had offers to tie the knot and trot down the aisle to the altar I must have some block for when I look at that knot you know it seems to turn into a halter though I sometimes let myself fantasize about honeymoons under Parisian skies and I once went so far as to think about buying a dress but when it comes to the final reckoning and that little love nest is beckoning I bolt like a runaway pony in distress I guess Im just a girl who cant say yes and these days divorce and marriage go together like a horse and carriage though you were sure it was true love at the start but whats the use of saying I do if two years later youre through even if you get to keep the Cuisinart and though I dont believe any more that Mr. Right is waiting to claim me some starry night I cant seem to make myself settle for anyone less I guess, Im just a girl who cant say yes like Siamese twins like a pair of shoes like Noahs menagerie everyone comes in twos these days but me I guess, Im a just a girl who cant say Im a just a girl who cant say Im a just a girl who cant say ... yes