Margaret Becker

Just Come In

Margaret Becker

What do I see 
You draggin up here 
Is that for your atoning? 
I know you're sorry 
I've seen your tears 
You don't have to show Me 
What makes you think you must 
Make that go away 
I forgot 
When I forgave 
I wish you would 

Just come in 
Just leave that right there 
Love does not care 
Just come in 
Lay your heart right here 
You should never fear 

You think you've crossed 
Some sacred line 
And now I will ignore you 
If you look up 
You will find 
My heart is still toward you 
Look at the sky 
The east to the west 
That's where I threw this 
When you first confessed 
Let it go now 


I will forgive you 
No matter what you've done 
No matter how many times 
You turn and run 
I love you 
I wish you'd come 
