Margaret Becker

Take Me In

Margaret Becker

This is a cold, cold rain 
That I've been wandering in 
And it's put a chill right through me 
From my soul to my skin 
I've come a long, long way 
Only to find 
That It's You and Your heart that keeps the light 
Buring in mine 
Won't You take me in? 

Take me by reason 
Take me by surprise 
Take me by my heart 
Or take me by my eyes 

I've been chasing dreams 
And I've captured a few 
But when I wrap them 'round my shoulders 
The rain just bleeds right through 
Won't You take me in? 

Take me by reason 
Take me by surprise 
Take me by my heart 
Or take me by my eyes 
Take me, take me, take me 
To Your water's rim 
Lift me up and take me in 

So here I am 
Don't know to kneel or stand 
I know there's forgiveness somewhere 
Would You help me find it my Friend? 
Won't You 
Come on now, 
Can't You? 
Wont You 
Take me in?