
Christraping Blackmetal


Tom: E

                    Version 3.0 - OCTOBER - 2001

Transcription Done by: Asbeel
     Modifications by: death8699

For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version contact
    Asbeel: at *
 death8699: at *

Check Out *, With More Transcriptions On It:

.  - palm mute                          /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to                      ~  - vibrato
"  - tremelo picking                    () - ghost note
p  - pull off                           h  - hammer-on
tr - trill notes                        fb - full bend (1step)
< > - harmonic

Tuning: E

Intro Riff                         *|

Riff 1                           *|

Riff 1 1tx

Riff 2                               8tx

Riff 3                             4tx

Riff 4                                          2tx

Riff 4a                                                     2tx

Riff 5a                *|*|

Riff 5a 1tx

Riff 5b                     *|                      

Riff 5b    1tx
Riff 4     2tx
Riff 4a    2tx
Intro Riff 1tx
Riff 2     8tx
Riff 3     4tx
Riff 4     2tx
Riff 4a    2tx
Riff 5     2tx
Riff 5b    2tx
Riff 4     2tx
Riff 4a    2tx
End on E5 (fade out)

Check Out *, With More Transcriptions On It: