How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut to the ground, which didst weaken the nations O fallen Knowledge, I turn unto Thee Like the first of men Knew his second spouse A gift that godhood attainable may be This Knowledge transforms me to Melek Taus A gift that godhood attainable may be This Knowledge transforms me to Melek Taus Phosphorus redeemer, naught in extension in Thaumiel Lucifer, lord of all husks in the deepest pit of Hell Phosphorus redeemer, o Morning Light Truth of Truths and God of Gods Destroyer of the wrong and right Destroyer of the wrong and right O fallen knowledge from white into black the Diamond turns Extension of the Great Dragon in cosmic shape so that man may learn the Fallen Knowledge that is the key to the All and the Naught In the Qliphoth To use the self-redeeming powers Thou brought O fallen Knowledge, in Death supreme Thy Light on me in the Qliphoth cast Illuminate each suppressed dream Perversions of a forgotten past Phosphorus redeemer, o Morning Light Destroyer of the wrong and right How art Thou risen above heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How hast Thou built Thy abode, which casteth Light upon the strong!