Mother tune out MAKE UP zairyou katate ni sagete Father tune away eikou kibou dassou Brain tune off shokika ni settei CIRCUS shiyou Nation tune round hankou hanzai hangyaku my way My eyes control doukou kaihou saimin kakete Your heart control kanjou aijou kuusou My hands control tsuri kei megurashi tamashii yuugi Your brain control myakuhaku zero ni try try try ganmensouhaku caller to HIGH HIGH little boy shisshou kassai no butai kara hide hide little girl garagara kuchakucha ugyaugya hai hai smile baby jisshitsu to jicchoku ga subete high hide hai hi high BLACK PIERROT kill you BLACK PIERROT closing heart BLACK PIERROT love me BLACK PIERROT closing brain BLACK PIERROT kill you BLACK PIERROT closing heart BLACK PIERROT love me BLACK PIERROT closing brain kuroi NEON de kakushita itsumo toori no SHOW TIME yume no tanoshimu tame caller no hane wo hikichigiru dreaming clown yume wo tsukanda douraku jiyuu butai* ame to muchi wo implant PRESENT shiyou motto hiretsu ni motto hageshiku baka rashii mamagoto wa* jiyuu ni odore gouyoku ni michita FINALE no kotoba uso no yume wo implant PRESENT shita mama dity the entertainment dity the entertainment koyoi hajimaru late show time ganmensouhaku caller to HIGH HIGH little boy shisshou kassai no butai kara hide hide little girl garagara kuchakucha ugyaugya hai hai smile baby jisshitsu to jicchoku ga subete high hide hai hi high BLACK PIERROT kill you BLACK PIERROT closing heart BLACK PIERROT love me BLACK PIERROT closing brain BLACK PIERROT kill you BLACK PIERROT closing heart BLACK PIERROT love me BLACK PIERROT closing brain chinori no MEIKU de kakushita cuty and stupid horror face kuroi ishou* matotte play house dreadful sick type kuroi NEON de kakushita itsumo toori no SHOW TIME yume no tanoshimu tame caller no hane wo hikichigiru dreaming clown BLACK PIERROT CELEBRATION *I couldn't understand what was being sung here.