Marcelo D'Amico

Sighing Air Balloon

Marcelo D'Amico

The life I had didn't belong to me
Everything that was mine, nothing brought me
There was so much emptiness that everything
Was filled up like a sighing air balloon
It is very difficult to recognize
That we have chosen the wrong paths
But the road is closed and we need it for now
There will be no deviations this time
Face the situation. Exit the roundabout
Take a new path. The world continues to move
Around the cosmos and you are the one who needs
To move around the world. Use love as
A vehicle and flow around. Everything is floating
Through the air: Life and death seem to be in a
Romance through the air. Choose which atoms are
Going to enter you. Everything seems strange when
Vision and understanding are lacking. Go up the
Mountain to see better. Life is a rush. Death is
Ephemeral. Almost everything seems to change
Take your chance. This could be your chance