We open the gates to welcome our king Returns to his place, to his land of the free He is the first of all, a brave man, a source of light Breaks up the frontiers, creates new lands The books of the history belongs in his hands It’s his infinite dream to liberate all greece He comes back to holy lands Forgives his adversaries first Kolokotronis is his name Scream for him and raise your fist The fire still burns in his heart and his veins He fights like an animal, screams for revenge He has the holy sword, his soul is full of faith Strategical mind, thunder his strike From God takes the power, destroying the masses The unbelievers, the betrayers of our flag Voice like a thunderstrike The greeks now must not separate And wins again, from south to north United we have to celebrate It’s the return of the legend It’s the return, return of the warrior It’s the revenge and the freedom All in the name, the name of this warrior