The stains of mud beyond his nails of the risk he never climbed for the roses that dried and the candles that melted her eyes could tell a thousand lies soon the crows were talking the mistakes he made in no time the mumbling was what they say "take your time to enjoy your time alone" She held my hands but her eyes could tell a thousand lies He'll scratch the floor for better times that everyone cried "Lithia" And if you can't see I'll give you my eyes For every time you look away I know you are not blind They repeat those words from their trembling vocal chords "take your time to enjoy your time alone" they remember when I used to haunt everyone who were after your beliefs and every whisper ther collect with every sin your light reflects I see you denying the gifts of my effect and if you can't see I'll give you my eyes for every time you look away I know you are not blind Shook their wings they never thought they could be a part of this soon they were talking the mistakes he made More like a symptom More like a chapter More like a decadence of their rings But they didn't know they'll never know the facts of my decay they do know the scent of the failure fo my debt He'll scratch the floor for better times that everyone cried "Lithia" And if you can't see I'll give you my eyes For every time you look away I know you are not blind The possesions are now gone the letters are now done for every shot she fired for every thrown black stone Y si no puedes verlo Arrancaré mis ojos y te los daré cegando mi vida para alegrar la tuya Pro que amo tu persona y desprecio tu humanidad He'll scratch the floor For better times that everyone cried "Lithia" She can her this now She can She can spy us now She can She may cry for us She could But she'll never feel like Kirad did She never would The stains of mud beyond his nails of the risk he never climbed for the roses that dried and the candles that melted her eyes could tell a thousand lies And if you can't see I'll give you my eyes He'll hush for now Until better days It won't matter now Lithia But there are sounds in her coffin now Made of a silk confession I hear them whisper and falter loud She never would...