From the pits I shall rise through the forms of the sheep Blessed in fire, cleansed in blood, born of pain, I arrive Attack the will, curse the gods, foul the mind, poison the soul Through the veins my hate burns, through the weak I take form Mocking dog with the truth, infernal control I've won Infestation of the helpless Holy child by plagues from hell Rejecting morals, hatred boiling Destroy the host in vulgar ways Perversions of the holy sacraments Defilement of the body hosting my form Embodying all that mocks the catholic faith Rejection of all morals held dear to man Affirmation of the forces of pure evil Entity risen from the dark pits of hell Useless men of cloth are helpless Their darkest fears realized through me Upon my sights I set their demise Forever haunted by my voice Within this form appealing to the ways of evil Set upon the helpless child and her savior Mocking dog, his ways destroyed by my hatred Dethroned priest, his place now forged before my left hand Fallen sheep from the flock of the weak sent from heaven Left to die by your dog, mortal Jew of no power Now once more shall my claws drive thru the souls so pure