
The Green Spangled Banner


Hello, I'm Matthew Tyler Musto
And I'm Michael Robert Henrion Posner
And this is Mansionz 2

We formally apologize for what you're about to hear
(We formally apologize for what you're about ho hear and go through)
You're about to be in Michael Robert Henrion Posner
You're about to be audioly fucked in the ear, fucked in the asshole too
(Because this is going to be an audio-fucking of your ear)
We're gonna wrap our musical cocks in
So far up inside you, you won't know which way is up
Sandaper and shove 'em up so far up inside you
My throat and then put in up my asshole
I'm gonna take your throat and put it around
Fuck, this album is dedicated to Chuck Palahniuk
(We're gonna treat you like an Ariana Grande song)
We love you, Chuck
Please enjoy use
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Mansionz

Yeah, yeah, yeah
I haven’t eaten in days
I am bulimic as fuck
Used to snort lots of cocaine

I got a hole in my nose it sucks
I got this hate in my heart
I want to kill all my friends
Joining the Illuminati
Kill my family I'm fucked in the head
Fuck the agents, fuck the labels fuck the cool guys at my table
Fuck the cars, fuck the house, fuck the words inside your mouth
Fuck religion, fuck the drugs, what I got is not enough
Fuck the fans and fuck my life, after all I sacrificed
I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm fucking dead, I'm dead

I'm fucking dead, I'm dead, I'm fucking dead, I'm dead
I'm dead, I'm dead
I'm fuckin' dead
There’s a fire in my head
I run around