Manic Street Preachers

Judge Yrself

Manic Street Preachers

Tom: A

tuning low to high - e,a,d,g,b,e
|-7-7-7-7-7-------7-7-7-7-7-------6-6-6-6-6-------6-6-6-6-6-----| x3

verse 1
|-7-7-7-7-7-------7-7-7-7-7-------6-6-6-6-6-------6-6-6-6-6-----| x2
  blessed....     blessed....     dyonosis        against...

  find...         face....        speak...        be your...

  find...         face....        speak...        be your...

  clean..     and mock...     the brightest....   purest...

chorus x2
  heel yrself     hurt yrself     judge yrslef

solo 1
|-10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~14~~~(slow bend)~~~~~~~~~~~-|

solo 1 backing

verse 2
  blessed....     blessed....     dyonosis        against...

|-7-7-x-x-x-------7-7-x-x-x-------6-6-x-x-x-------6-6-x-x-x-----| x2
  blessed....     blessed....     dyonosis        against...

  find...         face....        speak...        be your...

  find...         face....        speak...        be your...

  clean..     and mock...     the brightest....   purest...

chorus x4
  heel yrself     hurt yrself     judge yrslef

solo 2

solo 2 backing

  kiss...     and mock...     the brightest....   purest...

chorus x4
  heel yrself     hurt yrself     judge yrslef

end on |---|


blessed be the blade
blessed be the size
against the crucified

blessed be the blade
blessed be the size
against the crucified

find your truth
face your truth
speak your truth
and be your truth

find your truth
face your truth
speak your truth
and be your truth

clean your flesh  (this line changes to "kiss your wounds" after solo 2)
and mock your fears
the brightest sun
is the purest god

heel yrself
hurt yrself
judge yrself