
Modern Love


Modern love is the cause 
Of the pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain ain ain ain ain… 

I need a love that is a passion 
Don't need a love 
Without a soul or any possession… 
In the beginning 
I said a lot of things 
I did't believe in 
I'm beginning to feel 
I'm living in the way 
That just isn't right… 

Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain ain ain ain ain… 

i need of love that's out of fashion 
don't need a love 
without control or any discretion 
to understand the way 
i should deciding 
sez just doesn't appeal 
it's only something bad 
that happens at night… 

Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in 
Modern love is the cause 
of the pain pain i'm in…