I taste your synthetic breath in the night, Your circuits are luminous things of life. I�m right for you, You're right for me, Through modern technology. They say that you care for me like a child, You know how your fly movie drives me wild. I'll crack your code, And if you break, I'll send for a duplicate. You know its not easy, Being a young man, Searching for love in a digital age. You need the connections, And suitable hardware, To hook you up with compatible trade. When you're nothing but a number in an endless data stream. And your face is but a figment of a fiber-optic dream. You're just a glitch in the machine. Romantic evenings by the fire, I service your main frame and, Spark your wires. Your poor of mind, But blessed by soul, And fully programmable. If I call, You come, You're forever young, You can sense, No pain, So no matter how hard things. Might get, If I say something I regret, I can always hit reset. Oh no its not easy, Being a young man, Searching for love in a digital age. You need the connections, And suitable hardware, To hook you up with compatible trade. When you're nothing but a number in an endless data stream. And your face is but a figment of a fiber-optic dream. You're just a glitch in the machine. Oh what�s a boy to do, Without his own compliance appliance, I'll take an axe to you. If I detect, denfiance, don�t change, your signs, your files. If there�s a glitch in your machine (x3) I'll terminate our love.