Isn't this great, human? We're off on a grand adventure together! I can't believe it, I made a friend Who likes me for me! Even though our date wasn't great! My style and charm have won over a human Who enjoys good spaghetti I think this must be fate! When I tell Undyne Wait, I probably shouldn't do that, she'll be mad She might have, then throw, a cow Oh, um, er, huh I'm sorry, human, that was my phone ringing Uh-oh, that would be her calling right now I've, er, got to take this! I'm so sorry! I'll be right back! Probably! Hiya, buddy! You ditch your parents, too? Ah, man, I don't blame ya! They say Undyne's in the area And it would be so cool to meet up with her! I mean, she's just, like The most awesome royal guard person ever And I wanna be like her one day, and And my parents are such JERKS for saying I can't leave the house! Oh! Sorry! I didn't introduce myself! I'm Monster Kid! I'm a monster and a kid! What's your name? OOH! OOH! Shhh! That's her! That's her right over there! He usually picks up on the first or second ring What’s going on with him? H-hi, Undyne! Sorry I'm late I had errands to run! Yes Anyway, R-regarding that human I called you about earlier Did you fight them? Well, y-yes! Of course I did! I fought them valiantly! Did you capture them? Well No WHAT? I tried! I tried very hard, Undyne! You have to believe me! It's just, y'know, Things come up Things change You know how It is don't you? If you want something done right You do it on your own Or, you know, with the help of the royal guard In training I'll rip out their soul myself And break their little bones! I can't help but feel that was a personal attack! A-and you don't need to destroy them! You see, I've been thinking about It, and... Well I, have something to say With their soul, we can go home This battle we'll have won! I, I understand, It's just We shall breach the surface world Destroy the human scum! And if you have a problem with that Maybe the Royal Guard isn't for you! I, I, I'll help, Undyne! Any way I can! Good! Knew I could count on you! Hop to it! Can you hear me, human? It's hunting season!! And I do not lose my catch!