[Company] That's our show, goodbye, then, humans! We sure had some fun! We have one more encore, humans Before the curtain drops and we're done! It's the Undertale's finale Curtain call begins! Let's give everyone a hand Come on guys, bring it in! [Papyrus] Thank you for coming Hope that you had a great show! [Sans] Give a big hand For your pal Sans We had some laughs, but I think our time was grand [Papyrus] Sans, this is my part! [Sans] And it's over, we gotta go! [Company] Feast For we're going to live in peace Sing a carol as we ride And wipe our cares away Beam We've achieved our hopes and dreams Now together we are here And happy every day [Monster Kid] Look at the sky and watch the snow fall down And then the sun, then rain, guys, weather is great! [Undyne] Sitting here on the beach With my most precious peach! [Alphys] Undyne, could you maybe- [Undyne] Alphys, I am singing! [Alphys] This has been quite a ride Though I like to stay inside! [Undyne] Alphys, live a little! [Alphys] Guess I'm going out tonight [Undyne and Alphys] Having a wondrous time Here, with this love of mine Watching our anime Letting our passion shine! Bring it on, humans! Our love will never die! [Undyne] Give me a kiss, big girl! [Alphys] O-oh my [Company] This is how our story ends The fallen child and their friends They stayed determined, saved us all An angel from heaven did call Gave us wings so we could fly Out from the ruins where we lie Lying down in the morning sun We laugh as we see the sky [Napstablook] Yeah, it's pretty great I guess [Mettaton] Only PRETTY great? Someone needs a pick me up! [Napstablook] Mettaton, yes! [Mettaton] Mettaton double yes! Come on, pick up the pace Those of the human race I'm going to go far Now watch my rising star Audience, gather round Come in from every town Come on, Blooky, let's go Let's put on a great show! [Mettaton and Napstablook] Let's go start up the band And go across the land Our glamour we will share We'll spread it everywhere Together, it is plain We're made to entertain Let's make the humans see Your (my) music, my (your) beauty! [Company] Never thought I Would see the day Never ever Humans and monsters Living in peace Living together Oh This has been a great show Long live the king! Long live the queen! Long live us! Seems that our fears Have been proven Superfluous Well We're happy, we can tell Feast We live in peace Happiness Will increase [Asgore] I have seen My son again [Toriel] Oh dear child Fallen down Come to me [Frisk] There's a world Up above [Frisk, Asriel, and Flowey] Show them the child That learned to love [All] So concludes the Un-der Tale!