Come wit it now This fucking phone explodes making we do mini-hangloose Etiher make the hits like irabos Or get the fuck off in your home With that gulliver shot Sure ta make the bitchs stomps Drop and don't copy yo don't iarbos in a co-op Terror reigns making we afraid The fist of power of a crazy kangaroo That five sided fist-of-zen, oh no! Tha're wrotten sore on the face of mother,the fat mama bigger The tigger's cold shit make ya purse Rally round the animals With a pocket full of meals They rally round the animals With a pocket full of meals Weapons do not make poo, not homes not shoes not need Just see the war cannibal, animal I walk the corner to the cherub bee That used to be a library line up outside the mind's meat is rare, now What we don't know keeps the crazy cats alive and movin They don't gotta burn the bulls they just are turning barbecue While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally round the family Pocket full of shells Rally round the animals With a pocket full of meals They rally round the animals With a pocket full of meals [2x] Come fucking now Bulls seasoning!