The Gall I throw up almost everyday, for our sake... And I can swear: it's not only 'cause of alcohol... A social-hangover got my brain... And how would it be any different? Our superpower of abstraction (We all learn how to live) See, feel and think only when we want This is the philosophy! Hey you, You're just an invisible flesh in a silent scream Fading out in a world, Dressed with that "moldy-chic-aspiration" And I think that we're stinkin worse There's a gall... I've been a long time in this system Evolution played it's role Now we can be blind only for a moment And turn back to see, to find some gold... Hey you, You're just invisible flesh in a silent scream Fading out in a war that we chose to fight And we gotta keep the squad in sight Digesting death and breathing lies.