If you go out to Idaho, Just take my advice, Stop in at the Hanson's, The folks are mighty nice. Whenever the wind begins to blow, The farm it blows away, But the mud rain brings it back again Any rainy day. Chorus: Let's go down to Hanson's, That's the place for me. Let's go down to Hanson's, Beside the inland sea, The rugs are made of sable, There's bear meat on the table, And whenever I am able, That's where I want to be. They catch the catfish ready smoked And it is fine and fat, And since they call it catfish, They feed it to the cat, But when they call it bullhead, They fry it in a pan, And sure that makes a noble food For either dog or man. (Chorus) The vines grow round the outhouse Till it can not be seen; You sit in state and contemplate Beneath a roof of green. And up the hill lives Ernie, Contented as a clam, And if he never sweeps the floor, Nobody gives a damn. (Chorus) Now Irv he traps the muskrat, The link cat and coyote, He is a mighty hunter On snow shoes or afloat. The little foxes run in fear To scent him on the breeze, But the mountain deer, they follow near To share his beer and cheese. (Chorus) Now Ruth is in the kitchen Concocting a ragout, She raised the beef to make it, The spuds and carrots, too. And when she needs a side of beef To cook for three or four, The steers come up upon the porch And knock at the kitchen door. (Chorus) The place is full of treasure, It's found on every hand, With garlic in the garden And Indians in the sand. The wild goose flying southward Along his destined way, He looks down at that little red house, And wishes he could stay. (Chorus)