Tom: A Riff 1 Riff 2 G - 7 G - 7 D - 0 D - 0 A - 5 A - 5 E - 6 E - 7 Riff 1 I realised life was made to love Riff 2 and being loved Riff 1 To kiss and hug Riff 2 or even playing a simple chord G But something moves each step I take A something tells me my love dreams ain't no fake Riff 1 Riff 2 G A Or is it love? Riff 1 It's holiday Riff2 I'm watching the waves and the surfers Riff 1 These feelings go away, Riff 2 but strongly craves for your lips G Something moves their boards A Something tells me keep on playing the simple chords Riff 1 Riff 2 Or is it the sea? G A or is it you and me? Riff 1 Riff 2 G A So please don't kiss any other girl Riff 1 Riff 2 You're sad that you had G A I got sad cos I didn't know Riff 1 Riff 2 G A It was just a joke Riff 1 Riff 2 It was just a joke G A or were you just teasing me? Riff 1 Riff 2 My heart got completly broken G Was it a truth? A I don't wanna see Riff 1 riff 2 G A Riff 1 Riff 2 This sure isn't love G A It isn't you and me Riff 1 Riff 2 It ain't nothing above G A The beauty of earth because of sea Gaita Riff 1 Riff 2 G A