"I'll wager, I'll wager wi' you, fair maid Five hundred merks and ten That ye winna go tae the bonnie broom fields And return back a maiden again" Leatherum thee thou and aw Madam, I'm wi' you And the seal o' me be abrachee Fair maiden, I'm for you "I'll wager, I'll wager wi' you, kind sir Five hundred merks and ten That I will go tae the bonnie broom fields And return back a maiden again" When she cam tae the bonnie broom hills Her lover lay fast asleep Wi' his silvery bells and the gay old oak And the broomstick under his heid Nine times 'roond the croon o' his heid And nine times 'roond his feet Nine times she kissed his rosy lips And his breath wis wondrous sweet She's taen the ring frae her finger Placed it on his breist bane And a' for a token that she'd been there That she'd been there and gane Greetin', oh greetin' gaed she oot An' a-singin' cam she in 'Twas a' for the safety o' her body And the wager she had won "Whaur wis ye, ma bonnie gray hound That I coft ye sae dear? Ye didna wauken me frae ma sleep Whan ye kent ma love was here" "I scraped ye wi' ma fit, maister And ma collar bell, it rang And still the mair that I did scrape Awauken wid ye nane" "Haste and haste, ma gude white steed Tae come the maiden till Or a' the birds o' the gude green wood O' your flesh shall hae their fill" "Ye needna burst yer gude white steed Wi' racing ower the howm Nae bird flies faster through the wood Than she fled through the broom"