Malice Garden

Black Gold

Malice Garden

Amidst of lethal darkness
My days had turned to night
Among explosions and smoke
Completly lost I forget time
In a sentence that crossed went the years
Age weakens me, tries to defeat me
Thinking of returning
I face dangers
Fighting for someone who waits for me

My childhood memories
Burning through time and dust
False hopes, didn’t expect the worst
Running free in the valleys
My faterland supported me

My father is gone
My hope is gone
Inside the mine
I have to fight
My bones hurt
My skin bleeds
I have no air
I have no strength

Death chase me
Darkness blinds me
I don't feel proud anymore
Slave of black gold
Soon I'm old
I don't know where
I am anymore
Buried in a black hole
I left my son alone

Amidst of letal darkness
My days had turn to night
Among explosions and smoke
Completely lost I forget time
Time has passed and I didn't win
I know so many disappointed
Of my life only memories
The sentence was fulfilled