You, weak crawling loser You, son of nothing You, who live at the shadow of the cross You, who swallow the lies of Christ! We are the glorious light of the dead! We are blood, tears and revenge! We are the destructive fury We are the reign of chaos! Our birth is from the house of death The union is immortal We're born again and again We tread upon the firmament of Nu! We come forth into the East And the divine ones cry aloud for you at our coming! Asperge me Baphomet Hyssopo et Mundabor Lavabis me at super nivem Per sanctum mysterium Et maticum, satanicum, Baphometis We are the glorious ones Angels named by some... By other Deamons, unio mystica maxima by Satan! Imer-ak-izul Dissipate the shadows of death Aze-thul-irbezha Show me the Baphomet's bury Uver-has-mazhur Move your furious and dark armies Hak-aman-suras Tread down the enemy's jaw Lucifer illumina, custodi, rege et guberna! Deum meum, unum et trinum Rex regnum Et dominator dominatium advenite! Lucifer illumina, custodi, rege et guberna!