This is the book of immorality, Written with the black blood of the lord of the abyss The black byble that will conduct the dead to the triumph of the final battle The sacred writings of the lord of the Worms Read his lines and bow to his wish Listen his words, and give your soul to our lord Your God can not protect your destiny Whom shall read the book Will be forever the worm's son He will sacrifice his blood to make it pure and black of hate The seven gates of hell will be opened for you And you will see the black legions And you will see the black creatures The black creatures that will conquer the new promised lands They are now bent in front of the child of the worm This is your new kingdom and I will be your new lord All this was written, and you were the chosen one No God can stop the agony that will flow on these lost lands Now dominated from the evil that hatched under this kingdom All will be subdued to the will of these writings The words of De Vermis Mysteriis This is the book of immorality, Written with the black blood of the lord of the abyss De Vermis Mysteriis