Ex sententia Domini Dominorum sit in anthemate (cherem), in utraque domo indici, superorum sc. et Inferorum in athemate item Sanctorum excelsorum, (in anathemate Seraphin et Ophanim), in anathemate denique totius ecclesiae maximorum et minimorum. "It has recently come to our attention, not without bitter sorrow, that in some parts of northern Germany...many persons of the Catholic Faith, have abused themselves with devils, incubi and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accurssed superstitions and horrind charms, enormites and offences, destroy the offspring of women and the young of cattle, blast and eradicate the fruits of the earth, the gapes of the wine and fruits of trees. Nay, men and women, beasts of burden, herd beasts, as well as animals of other kinds; also vinyards, orchards, meadows, pastures, corn, wheat, and other cereals of the earth." The papal Bull issued December 5, by Pape Inocent VIII. Domus ejus habitaculum dracorum, caliginosum fiat sidus ejus in nubibus, sit in indignationem, iram et excandescentiam; cadaver ejus objiciatur feris et serpentibus, Laetentur super ipso hostes adversarii.