Realising happiness and joy is just a construct of a self deception Should it keep you from lying? Plato once said: Carve me a head! Necessity is the mother of invention Did it keep him from dying? I think you got a problem You got a problem I think you're thinking too much Dont trust a music teacher who is quoting nietzsche To bear the silence of the scotch I think you got a problem, you got a problem Darwin didn't love you very much But he gave you evolution and the Institution that is your artificial crutch Go back to sleep, this is the age of the deep slumber Don't be afraid of the blue skies Enter the merry-go-under And see your life through the eyes of Isabel Are you the ghost of vermeer with a Table leg staring into the light from above? Are you a burning giraffe on the Borderline making a mantelpiece for a dove? Are you a basket of bread for the Afterlife on a cabinet, or a bed stand? Hail the hallucinogenic toreador of kitsch! Isabel, show me life, I'll follow the lights into the hole Go back to sleep, this is the age of the deep slumber Don't be afraid of the blue skies Enter the merry-go-under Through the cracks in the glacial mass Where the seagulls collide Look away, Isabel! Wonderful, wonderful nib Pointing up like the manicured finger of magritte Could I write me out of solipsism with some chalk on a floorboard? The yellow lemon stairs to a dead end, inexplicable lady friend Name the unnamable object with a word - a word, little parakeet! Call her, call her, tell her that you love her madly Tell her that you need her badly Tell her that you want to be forever Call her, call her, call her from your ivory tower High above the virgin's bower Immolate your naked limbs and dance alone I think it's time you wake up! All the faculty members are here Come and see the final lecture We'll examine the rorschach redemption of life Juvenile dementia When the temporal perception is lost I will guide you through the pictures As we ride through the mouth of hieronymus bosch Go back to sleep, this is the age of the deep slumber Don't be afraid of the blue skies Enter the merry-go-under Through the cracks in the glacial mass where the seagulls collide Look away, Isabel! Lined up by the washing machines, bleacher street in wuthering streams Madeleine crumble submarines will Preserve all the finest of fabric for the fall Lie supine out in a sprawl, carve your name into a snowball As you drift down the Moon river Quiet like a fly on a windshield in the schoolyard Another thesis on heidegger gave you a voice The structural transformation of the public sphere you dismembered To some extent, you were careless then, like salvador You lingered in the praise of the classroom, you were dreaming Carrying the body of bertrand russel through the streets Then a lightning came out of nowhere, you were sober You saw the students had evaporated from the seats Isabel, show me life, I'll follow the lights into the hole