Blackbox, blackbox, calorie chart Owls' talons clenching my heart Blackbox, blackbox, hit the bell jar! Can you hear me? Blackbox, blackbox, Tesla coil kid Crying in a pigeonhole that's what you did In the blackbox, blackbox Tap on the lid Can you hear me? The raven lock, the brazen lid The rattling chains and the secrets we hid In the blackbox The solid rope, the bridal noose The matter of self and the substance abuse In the blackbox My feather star, you swam too far The tidal bore of belvedere You hiss, you're breathing You run, you're swimming You kissed the razor In the blackbox Blackbox, blackbox, calorie chart Owls talons clenching my heart Blackbox, blackbox, hit the bell jar Can you hear me? Blackbox, blackbox, Tesla coil kid Crying in a pigeonhole, that's what you did In the blackbox, blackbox Tap on the lid Can you hear me? You're in the blackbox, fish out of water Welcome to dystopia, plain is the color Blackbox, blackbox, do the Fritz Lang Dance around the pyre with the rest of the gang You hiss, you're breathing You run, you're swimming You crave, you crumble You burst, you bubble You took the beating Jump rope, hopscotch Bloody knuckles, huckle buckle beanstalk Miss Mary Mack never came home