Rise up ye stalwart men And put the pitch alight on your torch sticks Vanquish those who would do us evil And establish the rule of France Oh, woman of the house, What ails you? (Refrão) Woman of the house, we say it again From this year out the land will be rent free And what ails you? Here's a jug on the table and the beer's coming And the Duke of York has sufficient arms The French and the Spaniards at the shore's edge And how bitter that is than woman's chatter And oh woman of the house - what ails you? Woman of the house, we say it again From this year out the land will be rent free And what ails you? Alas and alack when I was young Two years old and no evil thought in my mind That I didn't join the King's navy or army Instead of spending my life looking after you And oh woman of the house - what ails you? Woman of the house, we say it again From this year out the land will be rent free And what ails you? May my back be broken under this weight If I ever come back to bring you sorrow And so many women from here to the Blackwater River That would go along the road with me and have a drink And oh woman of the house - what ails you? Woman of the house, we say it again From this year out the land will be rent free And what ails you? Rise up ye stalwart men And put the pitch alight on your torch sticks Vanquicsh those who would do us evil And establish the rule of France Oh, woman of the house, What ails you? Woman of the house, we say it again From this year out the land will be rent free And what ails you?