Take my heart form my chest And do never look back Or regret 'Cuz if you wanna be free And if you once get tired of me I'll understand 'Cuz I can't stand seeing na upside down bend On your merry and radiant face I can't stand... Baby, I know That I can't touch you the way you want The way you dream And Baby, I know too That I worry to much about us And about you 'Cuz I can't stand seeing na upside down bend On your merry and radiant face I can't stand... An upside down bend, an upside down bend, an upside down bend, an upside down bend On your merry face, on your merry face, on your merry face, on your merry face! What's happening? I sense your smell I feel your heat I recognize your voice Really can it be? you are... Next to me!