Technique Technique Take the egg (egg) Break the egg (egg) Beat the egg (egg) Cook the egg (egg) Salt the egg (egg) Eat the egg (egg) It's delicious (it's delicious) Technique Take the nail (nail) Paint the nail (nail) Place the nail (nail) Glue the nail (nail) Hold the nail (nail) Dry the nail (nail) It's beautiful (so pretty) Technique Choose a leg (leg) Tend the leg (leg) Raise the leg (leg) Hold the leg (leg) Bend the leg (leg) Drop the leg (leg) It's physical (isyph) Technique Take the dog (dog) Name the dog (dog) Feed the dog (dog) Walk the dog (dog) Speak to the dog (dog) Play with the dog (dog) Lâchez les chiens Technique Take the garbage Pull up the garbage Close the garbage Bring the garbage In the main garbage Close the garbage It's civilised Technique Touch a button Turn the button Press the button Push the button Switch the buttons And all the buttons Technique Want the control Need the control Take the control Keep the control Keep the control Keep the control Keep it (just keep it) Technique Choose a pizza Get the pizza Heat the pizza Cut the pizza Bite the pizza Chew the pizza Swallow it, swallow it, swallow Moisturize Take breaks Moisturize Take computer breaks Pick a muscle Work on the muscle Pump the muscle Pimp the muscle Like Jake the Muss I'ma stretch the muscle Ooh too sexy (yeah too sexy!) Where's the drop? Here's the drop Here's the drop, no Here's the drop Fuck, where's the drop? Here comes the drop Ha-ha-ha-ha! Gotcha! Take the noodles Cook the noodles Drain the noodles Season the noodles Serve the noodles Put the noodles In your stomach (in your stomach) Take the paper Fold the paper Cut the paper Cut the paper Cut the paper Cut the paper Confetti (yeah confetti!) Moisturize Take breaks Moisturize Take computer breaks Take the laptop Plug the laptop Shut the laptop Pimp the laptop Type on the laptop Work on the laptop Sleep with the laptop Shit with the laptop (technique) Go on internet Glow on internet Play on internet Fake on internet Meet on internet Fuck on internet Buy on internet Die on internet (technique) Take the laptop Plug the laptop Shut the laptop Pimp the laptop Type on the laptop Work on the laptop Sleep with the laptop Shit with the laptop (technique) Go on internet Glow on internet Play on internet Fake on internet Meet on internet Fuck on internet Buy on internet Die on internet (technique) Moisturize Take breaks Moisturize Take breaks Moisturize Take breaks Moisturize Take computer breaks