Abject Humiliation


Never look me in the eye
Make the contact wish to die
Do not breathe the air I breathe, I breathe
And thank me for your life

Warship the grown that I walk on
Never walking in the sun
I bring you devastation
Abject humiliation

So far knowing I am your God
Low your heads to me in fear
All that are not I are lies

Through ignorance I control you
I am all you have
So stay a while as I peal your soul inhuman

Poisoning with your staring eyes
Contemplate to kill or die
Concentrating all your thoughts on hatred and despise

And I know you "wish me well"
Hope my soul to burn in hell
This world I rule but not beyond
You'll have revenge when all is lost and gone

I will be the one standing above you all
I will be the on demanding for you to fall
Before me

You are undeserving of your life
Though you are existing serve me then die

You are undeserving of your life
Though are existing serve me then die

Accept embrace for you are you and I am I
Your state your fate is written in the wicked sky