Magic Bullets

Television Won't Know

Magic Bullets

He calls you to him 
You keep on walking You keep on walking 
It's no thing It's no thing 
It's all part of the fun and games It's all part of the fun and games 

It's always "rethink" It's always "rethink" 
Up to your old hijinks Up to your old hijinks 
You won't blink You will not blink 
When he begs you to stop and think When he begs you to stop and think 

Well of course the boy really wants you Well of course the boy really wants you 
Whether or not he really wants to Whether or not he really wants to 
That's just people do That's just people do 
That's just what real people do That's just what real people do 

So now alone you wait So now you wait Alone 
But uh oh it's too late But uh oh it's too late 
You sealed your fate You sealed your fate 
When you fed too much bait When you fed too much bait 

Now he calls no more Now he calls no more 
And he's not behind his door And he's not behind his door 
He's settled the score He's settled the score 
And that's a pain you can't ignore And that's a pain you can not ignore