Watching the Moon of the year being taken by that knife I awake in the evening of fault nothing to care to worry I'm a lamb in a skin of wolf He came wabbling by the side of sidewalk They have secrets I like you! He barely had started to understand himself And he already said he was used with to the routine Watching the Moon he can't hear Being taken by the life, he is forsaken on the eve of the great day Both were partners Martyrs He and the drunkenness I'd give you the stars, and if you want to I'd give you the night But he was the day, and all he wanted was the sunshine Olha, vem o circo, vem chegando Olha, a colombina de papel, vem o pierrô apaixonado Sonha, sabiá, senhor do céu Olha, vem andando pela esquina O ser que sonhou em não ser E com seu coração amarrotado pensa em dizer Sonha, vai sonhando, o sonho te acordou Olha nos meus olhos eterno amor Oh, darling, darling, why did she come? Two souls are bleeding as one Oh, darling, darling, what did she do? The Queen is building her throne Oh, darling, darling