In the distant bare islands of Lofoten Where high peaks rise above the dark sea There's a grinding stream Which runs in endless flow Raging in fury Is an ocean in my heart As I see her ageless beauty And the shinning eyes that set her apart It's the Maelström The awsome power of the Gods Ineffable feelings engulfing me And transcending my human nature No sun shines On this Sea of Darkness Where huge waves of grief Wreck men's dreams So show me your dark side And let me descend Take me to, drag me to The profoundness of your being Let's sink In this glassy ocean In a sacred silence In eternal motion Through swirling waters Forever descending The two of us Going down... Oh! I see the moon Been dragged down by the current's drift In a vortex of chaos Through an endless whirl Bury me deep into your heart Take me to your shrine In the depths of the sea